???: it looks kind of weird...

???: maybe its dead

???: i wish! but i guess alive specimens work fine too...

???: oh shit i think its waking up

???: hello.

???: what are you?

Are you talking to me?
???: of course! :)

I'm... a human?
???: ...

???: oh shit

???: you cant be here!

"Here?" Where am I?

???: um... anyway!

???: maybe there is a way to get it back, we just need to look around.

???: or we could wait here

???: see if whatever brought them here comes back or something

???: hm... i dont know...

???: what do you think?

I don't even know who you are!
Cassie: oh, right! my names cassie and his names arzoku.
introductions: done! now what do we do??

We should probably stay here. Let's try looking around.
Cassie: ...

Arzoku: ...

Cassie: would anyone like to hear a bone fact-

Arzoku: no

Arzoku: this forest creeps me out already

Arzoku: i dont need your weird dead thing obsession on top of that

Cassie: :(

Arzoku: what was that

Cassie: maybe its the Thing coming back to collect the human!

Arzoku: what else did you say was in this forest

Cassie: lots of things! :) chimeras, imps, hippogriffs, triffids, oni,
manticores, various species of entity–

Arzoku: ok thats enough

Arzoku: i dont know why i asked

Cassie: oh...

Arzoku: holy fuck what is that-

Game Over
--> Try Again?
Cassie: good idea! this direction looks promising.

Cassie: did you know, this forest is full of creatures :) chimeras, imps,
hippogriffs, triffids, oni, erlkings, various species of entity–

Cassie: exciting, right?

Cassie: oh look, a person! maybe they can help
